Yay a game with Derpy NO NO NO NO thats NOT DERPY
I played the game and THEN saw the rating. I thought it was rated T for...T time! And then a skeleton popped out.
Anyways, the shift in tone was icing on the freaking cake and that "Rainbow Dash" zombie was almost hard to avoid.
After beating the game, I decided to wiki for ponies named Ruby. There's 3 as of this moment. One was a background pony who was pulled away by her mother in "Bridle Gossip" but she was a pink filly with a "three gems" cutie mark. There's another filly named Noi/Bonnie/Odd Job who has a magnifying glass mark, but it changes throughout the episode "Call of the Cutie". Lastly, there is another named Ruby Rhubarb, but her mark is a pie. She's also a cowgirl with green-yellow fur and lives in Appleloosa.
Hopefully someday, this Ruby will be canon.